Learning to learn

People often ask what the most important skill to learn is when they start eve. The short answer is everything. You are always better learning lots of skills to level one or two, so you can fit the modules you need, than training a single skill to level 5. Take a look at my skill tree and you can see how many skils are useful even just for combat. Use the time when you are online to train these quick skills to basic levels, or you will get very bored waiting for the longer ones.

So what are the longer ones you need? Well when you start, and assuming you are here for the long haul, your learning skills. Take a look at the learning skills in the market. There are specific skills that boost all five attributes, and then more advanced versions for you to train once you have the original ones to level 4.If you look at the attributes of any skill you will see listed the two attributes that affect how quickly that skill trains, one primary and one secondary. Now take a look at the attributes of the learning skills themselves. All the basic learning skills are affected by the attributes Intelligence and Memory, logically enough. Alternate between these two first (the skills are Analytical Mind and Instant Recall) then go on to do the rest of the learning skills, before going on to the advanced one.

DON'T train either set of skills to level 5. Back in the bad old days you HAD to train the basic ones to l5 to be able to access the advanced, now you don't have to. the level 5 skills really aren't worth your time unless you plan to be around for at least 3 years. Plan out the longest set of skill training you can think of in Evemon if you don't believe me. Level 4 is worthwhile though, especially if your going to be doing pvp and risking implants.

You can also speed things up still further by training cybernetics a little and putting some attribute implants. +2 implants (Beta) can be picked up very cheaply just about anywhere.

After you've trained these skills... Well, that very much depends what you want to do. Download Evemon and set yourself an individualised plan for whatever items and ships you want to be able to use.

And if you are still confused, you can always ask. Most of all remember: you can always switch skills without losing any skillpoints. If you know your current skill is going to finish before you can next be online, switch to something longer. Never, ever, leave nothing training.


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