Can I shoot them please?

There are some instances where you can legitimately shoot another playe in Eve, or be shot. The rules vary depending on where you are:

You can shoot another player who has stolen from you, or has already shot at you, without alerting the authorities. In this case the player will appear as flashing red in your overview. The exception is if the player is in a pod. You cannot destroy a pod in hisec legally unless you are at war with that corp.

Do not confuse flashing red with having a red minus by their name (you, your corp, or your alliance does not like them), having a skull by their name (they have a bounty on them), or having their name coloured orange or yellow (they have a negative security status). If you are at war with a corp you will probably show the red minus by a players name but that does not mean that everyone with a red minus is a legitamate target.

Failure to adhere to these rules will result in a security standing drop and Concord showing up and blowing you up, pod and all, at varying speeds related to the security of the system (fastest in 1.0). You will not win against Concord. You can, of course, shoot someone expecting to be blown up for it, but you had better do a hell of a lot of damage with your first shot or it'll be fairly pointless.

Low security space:
Shoot anyone you like but you will take a security standing hit for it and if you are near some sentry guns you will get shot at for it (but you have better chance of lasting against guns than Concord).

Shoot anyone you like, no sec standing hit, the only consequences are political.


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Public Venture Enterprises FAQ:

Why Is The Site So Hard To Read?: PVE-Log is optimised for the Eve-Online Ingame Browser. Try Reading ingame; if you were given a link just click it instead of using copy-paste.

What is PVE?: Public Venture Enterprises was formed for players of Eve who want to mission with the help, support and friendship of other like-minded players. PVE is about co-operative play. PVE is also the title of a chat channel where you can join the weekly missioning event even if you are not in PVE corp. PVE also happens to stand for Player Versus Environment, the opposite of PVP (Player Versus Player).

You are called PVE, does that mean you don't PVP?:

We do not pirate but we will fight in defence of our members, and we occasionally hunt pirates.

Where can I find you?: We have many offices, join us ingame to be informed of your nearest office at Channels & Mailing lists -> Channels -> Join -> PVE -> OK

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