Notes on the Major Patch Note Changes
-When undocking, you now undock at maximum velocity in a 0-15 degree angle from the undock point to ease congestion around undock points.
As detailed in PrismX's Blog: Drones, Fighters, Shuttles and Rookie Ships in space will be deleted on the first of every month unless within proximity to a Starbase. Anchored containers will have a 30 day timer from the last time they were interacted with and will be deleted when the timer expires unless in proximity to a Starbase.
Character Creation and New Player Experience - This is great news, especially for miners, and those wishing to use can for advertisements (the older, out of date ones will be swept away), but more generally as all those hundreds of cans must cumulatively cause a massive lag on the servers. I wait with bated breath to see just how much quicker it will make everything seem.
All windows have had a welcome page added; a short text explaining the window. - That could get annoying.
The description of the "Social" (skill) has been clarified. - Clarified how?
Ship resistances have been changed as detailed in Zulupark's Blog. - This is easy to say, but doesn't help a lot just reading through the notes. From memory this means that all explosive resistances have been reduced by 10%
The Apocalypse gains +5tf, +1000mw and +1500 capacitor capacity. The capacitor capacity ship bonus has been replaced by a 7.5% bonus to large energy turret optimal range per Amarr Battleship skill level.
The Omen and Zealot now have 5 turret slots (+1 turret).
The Moa and Eagle now have 5 turret slots (+1 turret).
The Ferox now has 6 turret slots (+1 turret) and 1075mw (+75mw).
The Raptor now has 3 turret slots (+1 turret) and loses 4mw.
Jump freighters skill now adds 5% agility instead of 5% velocity per level.
Jump freighter bonus to hull hit points has been extended to also add the same bonus to armor and shield.
Jump freighter base cargo capacity has been increased by 25%.
- All fairly self explanatory, making crappy ships half workable.
Drones have been issued a memory upgrade, and will no longer forget what their 'engage' target was after 60 seconds.
-Like a lot of people I did wonder, but I put this down to my imagination.
Mining drones have gained some more shield, armor and hull hitpoints.
-But still pull them in when you see a pirate coming, right?
Dungeon NPCs are now able to react based on your standing towards them.
-Now this one worries me. Does this mean that if I warp into a pirate mission they will all aggro me at once, or does it just mean if I'm in a gang and I have the lowest standing it will be me that a new spawn decides to target? Or neither? 'Able to react' is distinctly unhelpful information.
Several missions have been fixed to spawn correctly.
-Again, what missions, where?
Science and Industry
There are now additional settings and filters that can be used both in the Browse and the Details tab of the Market window. You can filter by skills (only items that you have the skills to use), by CPU and powergrid (only items that can be fitted on the current ship, not taking into account already fitted modules), by solar system security, buy/sell order deviation and so on.
-Excellent change, I was only wishing out loud in chat the other day that you could do this.
Self Invite Fleets
It is now possible to allow people to invite themselves to your fleet. The fleet boss can put the fleet into self-invite mode for his corporation or alliance. Anyone in the fleet will then be able to right click on his entry in a chat window to post the invitation into that channel. This feature is very convenient to quickly set up fleets.
- Excellent for corps that do a lot of group flying. This is one of the first things we will be using.
Overview Tabs and Bracket Filters
It is now possible to apply the same settings that are available to overview to inflight brackets (brackets are the icons that appear over items in space).
It is now possible to assign overview and bracket settings to tabs in the overview window which allow fast switching between different overview and brackets setting profiles.
A new tab can be generated by right clicking a existing tab and selecting the Add Tab option or by using the Overview Tabs option in the Overview Settings. To create a bracket filter you create a Overview Settings profile with the icons you want to see in space and assign it to an Overview Tab as a Bracket Filter.
In order to quickly show all brackets you can use the default key combination alt-z which toggles all brackets on and off. The alt key no longer shows all brackets.
Electronic Warfare Effects shown in Overview
You can now see all hostile Electronic Warfare Effects from other players or NPCs against your ship in the Overview (if the enemy ship appears on your overview).
You can turn off showing these indicators in the Overview Settings, each Electronic Warfare Effect can be toggled.
-These, apart from the ship changes if you happen to fly one of the ships affected, are probably the most important changes for this patch. The cumulative effect of all of that is that you will be able to set a tab up so by the click of a mouse you will be able to see only those ships that are using EW on you, and despatch them first. No more guessing or quinting to see faint trace lines. Ewarriors beware, we're coming to get you!
The Items and Ships windows will now remember their sizes and open/closed states properly. -Hopefully this means that the fixed items and ships window will not blank out when you change ships anymore.
The EVE client now communicates to the Xfire chat client how many EVE players are online. -Hmm, Xfire might be worth looking at, if you can use it for chat or voice even if eve goes down and use it ingame too.
To bring equality to the world, if your character is female then you will now have a female corpse when podkilled. -Hmm. Given the 100% male language used by agents I think it takes more than this to bring equality to Eve.
The LP store now automatically reloads when the filters are changed.
So overall some useful new toys to play with. Now excuse me while I reset all my settings. Dammit.
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