I haven't been playing Eve much recently, having been distracted by rl events and also slightly bored by what I'm currently doing ingame. As what I want to try will probably involve getting blown up a lot I'm waiting till my alt finishes his training (offline, his account has run out) before jumping back in. Consequently I've not logged in often and I notice, as the couple of other times I have done this, that the corp starts to dribble away members. A CEO can't take a break from Eve; it is assumed the corp is breaking down if you do, even if when you are online you don't take any taxes or tell anyone what to do. That's a shame, but appears to be human nature.
For the time being I have joined Eve-University, to get in some PVP practice and training (yes, we all have things to learn) and to have more people to help. PVE corporation is still very much alive but not actively recruiting, and my alt is still a director. PVE directorships are available if anyone else has more time to spare for the corp.
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