Real Money Trading Is Bad, M'Kay?

- copied from the devblog by GM Grimma to provide an ingame link:

Real Money Trade (RMT) in EVE has been a problem for a long time now. Those of us who have been in the Customer Support business since the beginning of EVE could tell you a lot of horror stories about the damages ISK selling and buying has resulted in to date, and still does. Almost all cases of keyloggers, phishing sites, hacking attempts, and the like, are directly attributable to real money trading.
There are also the macro miners and mission runners, complex farmers and assorted rabble of this sort that causes general nuisance and keeps the regular players from being able to enjoy EVE as they would like. Price of minerals, ore, ice, implants and so on is driven down by this kind of activity and thus ways for normal players to make ISK are effectively ruined. Finally, the RMT element will not hesitate to commit real world crimes, such as credit card fraud or theft, to keep their business running.

Purchasing ISK directly supports and encourages these illegal activities!

While we are determined to root out the evil that are the ISK sellers in EVE, we do realize that there will always be demand for ISK. For those that need more ISK than they can gather via normal game play, there is another way. We are of course talking about the Secure ETC Trading System, designed and created by CCP's finest. Now, every time we start denouncing the ISK sellers, some people call us hypocrites because we allow the ISK for ETCs but not ISK for RL money and claim this is the same thing. Nothing could be farther from the truth; the differences are enormous.

When you buy an ETC and then sell it for ISK via the Secure ETC Trading System you are directly contributing to the growth of EVE as the code will be applied to an account and someone will be using it to play. Some players do not have the means to pay for their subscriptions with credit cards or similar and the Secure ETC Trading System helps them pay and play. The economics are quite different as well since wealth is redistributed between active members of the community rather than injected into the game.

Another thing is scale. The regular player who wants a few hundred millions in his wallet will have no problem using the Secure ETC Trading System for this purpose, while at the same time helping another EVE player pay for his subscription. Supply and demand dictates that it would be very difficult for an individual to gather tens of billions of ISK with the secure system and thus game balance will not be upset. Corporations, or even Alliances, should not be able to fuel their wars and other activities like they have done in a number of cases with ISK bought for real world money.

For a list of official ETC resellers, please go here:

Although somewhat hampered by limited resources, we are doing our best to keep RMT in EVE at bay, such as the recent deployment of new features to curtail the real money trade spam that players were receiving. This new system includes a few new trial restrictions that should not significantly affect actual players, as well as a large number of behind the scenes features that we have added in. These so far have been very successful, and we have seen a very dramatic reduction in the amount of spam that is reaching players.

However, we need your help. If you need ISK, then please use the Secure ETC Trading System. This system is completely secure and risk free and the ISK you get this way is yours to keep, while we will mercilessly remove ISK bought for real money from ISK sellers, and we remove tens of billions of illegally purchased ISK every day. If the illegally bought ISK has been spent, then the wallets will simply be put in the negative, making any form of market activity impossible, as well as preventing any actions that require ISK to be spent such as new clones or buying ship insurance.

A permanent warning will also be placed on accounts involved. In extreme cases and for repeated offenses a permanent ban from our server will be the end result. Also note that trading ETCs outside the Secure ETC Trading System is a violation of our rules and will result in warnings for those doing it, and eventually bans should they persist.

We know that most players out there dislike the macroers, ISK spammers, complex farmers and other RMT spawn just like we do and we ask for your assistance in dealing with them. Tell your friends that buying ISK is against the EULA if the subject is raised. Tell them about the Secure ETC Trading System. Help us raise awareness about this whole issue and together we can change the world of EVE for the better!

Learning Curve

- from an anonymous source.

The Oldest Professions

No, not that one. The lowest, dirtiest, low down son's of... Ahem. Everyone has met them at some point. The scammers, the con artists, the swindlers, the cheats and the muggers. Yes, the criminal classes are here too, and here's what to look out for:

The Sneak Thieves
Please sir, may I join your corporation? May I have access to all your shiny things? May I bundle every last one of them into my friends' freighter and dissapear?
Weigh up how well you know people against what you could lose if you turned out to be wrong. People have wheedled their way into confidences and stolen everything from ammo to carriers. Restrict access to hangars to new members, or keep things in your personal hangar if you aren't sure about a director.

The Muggers
In Eve they would be the gate gankers. Usually found watching the gates into low security space occasionally they will hang around in high security space in cheap but powerful ships waiting to explode that faction fitted ship you worked so long to get (sacrificing theirs in the process). Remember 'don't fly what you can't afford to lose' applies in hi-sec too.

The Rollers
'Oh please, kind and strong looking person, won't you help me kill these nasty pie-wats for me. Yes, join my fleet. Here, I'll even warp us. Well, whaddya know, someone I happen to be at war with is here. Strange how he just ignored me and went for you. Still, I'm gonna take all your nice stuff, as you're dead anyway'.
Only join fleets with your alliance or people you know REALLY well, or alternatively YOU set up the fleet and retain control over who gets invited. If you are in control and the only other person is in an NPC corp you are safe enough to be helpful.

The Baiters
'Here, look, a can with interesting things left abandoned. I wonder what's in it? A little ore. Well, there's no-one around so I might as well take it. Wait, where did that ship come from? Why can't I warp? I wasn't really stealing, Concord, help! They said I could have it and everything!'
If it's yellow, it's not yours. They lie in wait cloaked and, when you take it and get flagged for thievery, invite their friends to swoop in to kill you. It doesn't matter how many 'free stuff' signs they pasted on it. Don't fall for it.

The Flippers
So there you are, merrily mining away into a can ready to get your hauler to come get it when you have enough when someone appears in a small ship, pops out a can of his own and puts all your precious ore into it. He is flagged as a thief but he's ina combat ship. But he's not firing. So what do you do. Oh the indignity. Well you take it back of course. Oh, except you are now flagged to him as well, and he can shoot you, or invite his friends to. Damn, here I am in a pod again. Who was it told me high sec space was safe, again?
If this happens to you and you're prepared to lose your ship you could invite your corp to give you backup before you take it back, get them to do it, or you could just chalk it up to experience and leave it there. For real security mine into a passworded, anchored can instead, or just into your cargo.

The Scammers
These come in several different varietes; the buy contract that is just a few zeroes too short, the in-station trader who substitutes a cheaper version at the last second, the sell contract that says it is for a Navy Raven but is actually just for a Raven. Remember the rule of the hustle: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Tranquility and Singularity

New players of Eve may be unaware there is more than one server that you can log into. The main server on Eve is called Tranquility, and is the one set up by default. The other server you might want to give a try is called Singularity, and is a test server for upcoming game features and patches. Singularity updates on a regular basis (about once a month) with all your details from the main server (if you are very new to the game you might not be on there yet, and if you are on there your skills will be a little behind Tranquility).

However, and this is the most important bit, Tranquility is unaffected by Singularity. You can buy as many expensive ships as you like on Singularity (and you can pick up ships from frigates to motherships for the grand price of 100 ISK) and it won't touch your Tranquility wallet, can be blown up a billion times without affecting your Tranquility SP, and can swear at agents without causing the same ones in Traquility even the slightest flicker of disapproval. Plus of course you get to try the new features before anyone else.

So how do you get in to this fabulous hidden playground? Well the most important thing is DO NOT LOG INTO SINGULARITY WITH YOUR MAIN EVE INSTALLATION. If you do it will be patched with the test patch (which may never become valid for Tranquility) and you will not be able to log into eve normally without a full re-install. Instead:

1) Navigate to your Eve folder (normally C:\Program Files\ccp\EVE).
2) Copy and paste it, so that within the folder ccp you have another folder called something like 'Copy Of Eve'. Be aware that this can be quite a large folder, up to 2GB, so make sure you have enough disk space, and that this might take a while to copy.
3) Rename this new folder to 'Singularity'.
4) Open up the folder and create a shortcut on your desktop to the file marked 'eve.exe'. Rename this to Singularity also.
5) Right-click on the shortcut and click properties. Under the shortcut tab go to the box marked 'Target'. After the last set of quotes add:
/end /LUA:OFF /server:
6) Close the box and double click to start Singularity. Log in as normal and accept any patch requests, double checking that the file location is the new folder. Sometimes it will be unable to patch automatically, in which case you will need to look up the patch details from the website.

Note all the above assumes you are using a Windows PC.

Trial Restrictions

There are several restrictions while you are on a trial. The reasons for all of them boil down to three letters. RMT: Real Money Transfer, i.e. those people that come into tha game for free and make ISK which they sell for real world money. For an indepth explanation of why that hurts the economy you can read the devblog here (out of game).

The restrictions are:

1) No ISK transferring while on a trial: So all those ISK farmers can't just pass on their ISK. This is mainly to prevent the laundering of ISK, rather than direct transfer to real players(after it has been through several hands it becomes progressively harder to track).

2) Some ships cannot be trained while on trial: To prevent the use of ships which could potentially make lot of money early on to an experienced player. The ships affected are ones which otherwise would be quick to train for.

3) You cannot launch two or more clients on the same computer if one of them is a trial: To prevent a player creating hundreds of alts to mine for him or creating a PVP fleet of alts.

4) You cannot join many chat channels while on trial: To prevent spamming of the chat channels by ISK spammers. If they are bugging you in corp chat try joining a player corp. In local you will just have to block them when they appear.

Rookie FAQ (3): Trading ISK/Items

How do I trade ISK with another character?

Several options exist:

If neither character is on a trial account, one can right-click the other's icon (in People & Places or anywhere else) and select Send Money.

If neither character is on a trial account, either can setup an item exchange contract which includes isk.

Regardless of whether characters are on trial accounts, they can simultaneously dock in the same station and trade with each other (by right-clicking the other character in the Guests panel.

If two trial account characters cannot dock in the same station simultaneously (e.g. they are on the same account), they can exchange isk by trying to sell a common item at a ludicrously high price, and then have the other character buy it.

Finally if you are in the same player run corp you can exchange items via the corp hangar (click on corp hangar in the station it's at, usually the HQ, drag and drop items into it. Just buy items of a good value and trade them to let the other party sell them at little loss or, if you have picked well, at a profit. Ammo is usully a good place to start.

Rookie FAQ (2): Deadspace

Check the mission details to see what system the deadspace complex is in. Travel to that system (if necessary) by using stargates and/or the autopilot. Once in the correct system, right-click in open space and at the bottom of the menu, below Agent Missions:, you will see a menu item for your mission. A submenu will include an option to warp to the complex gate.

Another method is to close and re-open the tutorial. If you are in the correct system, you will be prompted if you want to warp to the complex.

Finally, the following is from an in-game helpful bio:

If you're here, you probably need to get back to the Deadspace Tutorial Complex to continue the tutorial. Just follow the instructions below:

In order to get back, you must be in your home system. This is the first planetary system that you start in. When you are in the home system (read below if you aren't sure) then continue on.

When you are sure you're in the right system, view the left sidebar, the Neocom. Near the bottom, you will see a button that says Tutorials, with a picture of a white face. A new window should appear with a list of tutorials. Click on the first option, Aura : Tutorial. When the tutorial window appears, you will automatically be warped to the Deadspace Tutorial Complex. You should now be at the tutorial area.

Rookie FAQ (1): Ship Fitting

With apologies to the wiki: Why do CCP always make pages that can't be read ingame?

How do I increase my ship's powergrid?

The best method is to study the engineering skill, which will increase the powergrid of every ship you fly by 5% per level. You can also fit a power diagnostic system or a reactor control unit, or for a frigate, a micro auxiliary power unit.

How do I increase my ship's CPU?

The best method is to study the electronics skill, which will increase the CPU of every ship you fly by 5% per level. You can also fit a co-processor.

How do I increase the cargohold capacity of my ship?

For certain ships, like industrials, simply increasing your piloting skill (e.g. Amarr Industrial) will increase your cargohold size. You can also install Expanded Cargohold modules in your lo-slots or, for richer players, Cargohold Optimization rigs. Finally, if you have over 3,000m3 of cargohold size, consider keeping a Giant Secure Container in your cargohold: they are 3,000m3 in size, but they will hold 3,900m3. This is a 30% increase when carrying small items, but don't do it if you want to carry items larger than 3,900m3.

What are upgrade hardpoints?

Upgrade hardpoints are used to fit rigs, which can be found in the market under the category 'Ship Modifications'.

How do I increase my drone hold size/launcher hardpoints/turret hardpoints/ship fitting slots?

You can't. Buy a better ship.

Deadspace in the tutorial

Again, for the benefit of the rookie channel:

If you're here, you probably need to get back to the Deadspace Tutorial Complex to continue the tutorial. Just follow the instructions below:

In order to get back, you must be in your home system. This is the first planetary system that you start in. When you are in the home system (read below if you aren't sure) then continue on.
When you are sure you're in the right system, view the left sidebar, the Neocom. Near the bottom, you will see a button that says Tutorials, with a picture of a white face. A new window should appear with a list of tutorials. Click on the first option, Aura : Tutorial. When the tutorial window appears, you will automatically be warped to the Deadspace Tutorial Complex. You should now be at the tutorial area.

If you aren't in your home system, or are unsure, follow these instructions
Click on your Character Sheet. This is located at teh top of your Neocom (sidebar). A rather large window should app

Hammer's Eve

Cam across another blog today that is doing much the same thing as this. To save duplicating, here are some of the links on his site that are most useful:

Eve for experienced gamers
Missions, money and standings
PVP in Eve
Threat assessment
Ships, races and weapons
Career Choices

Note unfortunately these links don't work ingame, so I might end up doing a version of them anyway.

What me mine?

Akita posted this on the forums and I echo her sentiments so absolutely I had to ask permission to reproduce it here (and for pvp read any other kind of non-mining eve activity):

I see a LOT of posts around here from relatively new people where they say something to the extent of "I really want to PvP, but I want to fund my PvP with mining ops income".
This is wrong on so many different levels that I just had to start a new thread just for this.

First off, the skillset for mining is hugely different from the skillset for combat.
Not only that, but it places emphasis on different attributes too.
IF you're trying to get "good at PvP", alongside practical, hands-on experience, you also need the in-game character skill levels to back that up.
If you're WASTING time (yes, wasting) on mining-related skills instead of combat-related skills, you will not be particularly good in either of them (hence, less money earned from mining to spend on PvP at which you'll suck, causing you to lose ships more often, and vicious circle repeats).

Second, even assuming for a second you thought of that too, and actually run TWO characters on separate accounts (one with high per/wil and decent int. for combat, the other with high mem/int and decent perc. for industry) , leaving aside the fact that it's borderline crazy to do that (instead, of, say, selling the GTC you would have used for the second account to get the funds)... there still is the problem of mining being so utterly soulcrushingly BORING and annoying at the same time that I have more fun spinning shuttles in my hangar instead. And no, don't rely on the fact you can do it half-AKF or somesuch... you risk coming back to "absolutely nothing", since you ship has been blown up by a stray NPC or a suicide ganksquad (depends on ship, really)... or worse, come back only to see that asteroid you've started mining only had a handfull of units left, and your ship has been basically sitting idle for a very long time.

Last but not least, taking into account what I've just said, why oh why don't you just do missions instead ?
Missions require almost the same skillset as PvP does : you generally don't EWar NPCs, and MWDs usually can't be activated in missions, but that's about it for the major differences.
Missions deliver (at least in HIGHSEC) at least the same, if not always better rewards than mining does, and as an added bonus, you're also gaining standings with the NPC corporations, providing you with discounted broker fees, reduced refinery taxes and at some point the ability to place jumpclones in those NPC stations.
Not only that, but good standings open up the road to R&D agents, which is basically "bonus ISK without much actual work" (a.k.a. "passive income")... just start the project, and come by to collect (and then sell) cores every now and then.

Ok, now don't get me wrong, mining CAN be profitable.
But it requires quite a bit of dedication, patience, and preferably access to some 0.0 ores deep into your own alliance's space, in a larger mining op with protection, haulers and ideally a Rorqual with a mindlinked commander.
For highsec or lowsec dwellers however, missions are a much better way to earn a living (and safer too, IF you know what you're doing).
Well, ok, if tritanium would ever go above 5 or 6 ISK per unit, THEN you could say mining in highsec MIGHT become a bit more profitable, but really, not before that.
And no matter how you look at it, it STILL is the most boring activity you can do right now.

So, let me ask you this of all the newcomers:
What ever made you think MINING was a GOOD idea as an alternative means of funding for your PvP habit ?
I mean, seriously, I want to know that, what possibly could you have read or done to think that ?
Was it a person ? Was it pre-conceived notions ? Was it some guide or wiki or something like that ?

Villard Wheel is not a person!

Just because I made a new alt and I'm already sick of seeing this question:

Making Mountains of Molehills (5 of 10) Walkthrough.
Required Items: Perpetual Motion Unit I Blueprint, Datacore-Basic Civilian Tech, Datacore-Elementary Civilian Tech, Civilian Data Interface

Place the items in your ship and fly to Scheenins IV - Chemal Tech Factory.
Take the items and place them in the ITEMS storage area.
Right click on the blueprint and scroll down to INVENTION and select it.
Then left click on this station and then left click on a free Invention slot.
The screen should go back to the begining. Press OK.
Press ACCEPT QUOTE and wait 5 minutes.
After 5 minutes press SCIENCE & INDUSTRY and then press GET JOBS. Click your item and press DELIVER.
Put the blueprint in your ship and fly back to Clellinon and manufacture the item.

Public Venture Enterprises FAQ:

Why Is The Site So Hard To Read?: PVE-Log is optimised for the Eve-Online Ingame Browser. Try Reading ingame; if you were given a link just click it instead of using copy-paste.

What is PVE?: Public Venture Enterprises was formed for players of Eve who want to mission with the help, support and friendship of other like-minded players. PVE is about co-operative play. PVE is also the title of a chat channel where you can join the weekly missioning event even if you are not in PVE corp. PVE also happens to stand for Player Versus Environment, the opposite of PVP (Player Versus Player).

You are called PVE, does that mean you don't PVP?:

We do not pirate but we will fight in defence of our members, and we occasionally hunt pirates.

Where can I find you?: We have many offices, join us ingame to be informed of your nearest office at Channels & Mailing lists -> Channels -> Join -> PVE -> OK

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