AB – Afterburner
Active Tank - A defensive layout that relies on capacitor-using modules
AF - Assault Frigate
AFAIK - As far as I know
Aggro - Aggressive behaviour, usually from NPC's, i.e. being targeted and attacked
Aggress - To aggro someone (qv)
Align - Orienting on a warpable object to reduce time to enter warp.
Alliance - A group of corporations with similar goals
Alt - A second character controlled by the same player, usually on another account
AP - Autopilot
AU - Astronomical Unit- the distance from Sol to Earth is 1AU, about 149 million km
BC - Battlecruiser
BCS/BCU – Ballistic control system (Don’t ask)
Blasterthron - A Megathron that uses blasters as its primary weaponry
Blob - Large group of ships that stay together for mutual defence
Blue - Is friendly with
BPC - Blueprint Copy
BPO - Blueprint Original
BS - Battleship
Bubble - A zone in which ships cannot warp
Camp - Waiting at a static point to engage ships entering an area
Can/Jetcan - Jettisoned cargo cannister, lasts for up to 2 hours
Carebear – player who avoids PVP
CCC - Capacitor Control Circuit
CNR – Caldari Navy Raven
Concord - NPC hisec police
Corp - Corporation, the term for a permamanent group of players
CS - Command Ship
Cyno - Cynosural Field; Used for creating jump portals for capital ships.
DC - Disconnected
Dessie - Destroyer
DDD - Doomsday device, Huge smartbomb for attaching to Titan class ships
Decc - To Declare war on someone's corporation
Dessie - Destroyer class ship
DPS - Damage per second
EANM - Energized adaptive nano membrane
ECM - Electronic counter measures, used for breaking target lock
ECCM - Used for strengthening target lock
EW - Eloctronic Warfare
Faction - The NPC equivalent of an alliance, or a type of advanced mod made by it.
Farm - To repeat a profitable mission or plex without completing it, causing respawn.
FC - Fleet commander
Flag - To mark as a target
ftw - For The Win
FYI - For your information
Gang - Archaic term for fleet, still used by older pilots
Gank - Destroy quickly and completely
GC - Gatecamp (ships waiting to attack visitors to a system)
Geddon - Armageddon (Amarr Battleship)
GF - Good fight
GSC - Giant Secure container
GTC - Game Time Code
Gyros - Gyrostabilisers (Turret Damage Mod)
HAC – Heavy Assault Cruiser
HAM - Heavy Assault Missile
HIC – Heavy Interdictor Cruiser
HML – Heavy Missile Launcher
IGB - In-game Browser
IIRC - if I recall correctly
Indy - Industrial Ship
Inty - Interceptor
Itty - Iteron (Gallente Industrial with a large hold, usually Iteron 5)
ISD - Forum and Chat volunteers
Jet - Jettison
Jetcan - See Can
JC Mining - Mining into a can instead of just your hold for longer periods
Jita - The main economic hub of Eve. Almost everything can be bought there, but the prices may be higher than elsewhere. Station 4-4 in particular is the main store.
Kessie - Kestrel
Kiting - Running away from NPC's so they are forced to follow you, to manage aggro.
Jumpclone - A clone you can 'teleport' to.
LAR - Large armour repairer
LSE - Large shield extender
Lowsec - Space without Concord or Alliance protection, 0.1 to 0.4.
LP - Loyalty Points, given by agents as rewards, redeemable for offered items
Main - The character you play most, usually with the greatest SP
Mod - Modules, things that alter your ships capabilities, that fit in the main ship slots.
MCC - Melted Capacitor console (Item of salvage, one of the most valuablebut also common)
Mom/MS - Mothership (Ship Class)
MWD – Microwarp Drive
Myrm - Myrmidon (Gallente Drone Specialist Battlecruiser)
M3 - Metres Cubed, a unit of volume
Nanophoon - Typhoon Battleship fitted for speed tanking. Multiple variations also exist.
Noob - New player (The length of time/experience required to graduate from noob is etirely in the eye of the beholder)
Nerfed - Deliberately made less good
NBSI - Not Blue Shoot It
Nos – Nosferatu (energy vampires or drainers)
NPC – Non-Player Character
NRDS - Not Red Don't Shoot
Ofc - Of course
Oic – Oh, I See
Omw – On My Way
Oog – Out Of Game
Passive Tank - A defensive layout that requires minimal or zero capacitor
PDU – Power Diagnostic Unit
PewPew - Combat, usually PVP
Plex - 1. Player License Extension, an ingam method of purchasing game time
2. Deadspace Complex, either the result of exploration or fixed in space.
Podded - Having your pod blown up, so that you are respawned in station
Popped - A ship blowing up, e.g. 'I was popped, and podded, in seconds.'
POS – Player Owned Structure
PVE – Player Versus Environment
PVP – Player Versus Player
QFT - Quite F****ing True!
Rats – NPC Pirates
Rax - Thorax (Gallente Cruiser)
Red - An enemy; 'A is red to B'
Rig - Unremovable modules, like implants for ships
RL - Real life, whatever that is
RP - Roleplay OR research points, dependant on context
RMR - Previous Eve expansion that changed a lot of Eve, especially PVE play
Scram - To warp scramble, qv scrammed
Sniper - Ship suited to and fitted for long range combat
SISI - The Eve test server, correctly known as Singularity
Stabs – usually warp core stabilisers
SP - Skillpoints
Tank - Verb 'To Tank': To fit your ship for taking damage.
tbh - To be honest...
Toon - A character, usually spoken of a third person, implying no knowledge of alt or main status
ty - Thank you
wd - Well done
Wb – Welcome back
Web - To use a stasis webifier on someone, drastically slowing their speed
WoWer - Player of the game which must not be named.
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