Tranquility and Singularity

New players of Eve may be unaware there is more than one server that you can log into. The main server on Eve is called Tranquility, and is the one set up by default. The other server you might want to give a try is called Singularity, and is a test server for upcoming game features and patches. Singularity updates on a regular basis (about once a month) with all your details from the main server (if you are very new to the game you might not be on there yet, and if you are on there your skills will be a little behind Tranquility).

However, and this is the most important bit, Tranquility is unaffected by Singularity. You can buy as many expensive ships as you like on Singularity (and you can pick up ships from frigates to motherships for the grand price of 100 ISK) and it won't touch your Tranquility wallet, can be blown up a billion times without affecting your Tranquility SP, and can swear at agents without causing the same ones in Traquility even the slightest flicker of disapproval. Plus of course you get to try the new features before anyone else.

So how do you get in to this fabulous hidden playground? Well the most important thing is DO NOT LOG INTO SINGULARITY WITH YOUR MAIN EVE INSTALLATION. If you do it will be patched with the test patch (which may never become valid for Tranquility) and you will not be able to log into eve normally without a full re-install. Instead:

1) Navigate to your Eve folder (normally C:\Program Files\ccp\EVE).
2) Copy and paste it, so that within the folder ccp you have another folder called something like 'Copy Of Eve'. Be aware that this can be quite a large folder, up to 2GB, so make sure you have enough disk space, and that this might take a while to copy.
3) Rename this new folder to 'Singularity'.
4) Open up the folder and create a shortcut on your desktop to the file marked 'eve.exe'. Rename this to Singularity also.
5) Right-click on the shortcut and click properties. Under the shortcut tab go to the box marked 'Target'. After the last set of quotes add:
/end /LUA:OFF /server:
6) Close the box and double click to start Singularity. Log in as normal and accept any patch requests, double checking that the file location is the new folder. Sometimes it will be unable to patch automatically, in which case you will need to look up the patch details from the website.

Note all the above assumes you are using a Windows PC.


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Why Is The Site So Hard To Read?: PVE-Log is optimised for the Eve-Online Ingame Browser. Try Reading ingame; if you were given a link just click it instead of using copy-paste.

What is PVE?: Public Venture Enterprises was formed for players of Eve who want to mission with the help, support and friendship of other like-minded players. PVE is about co-operative play. PVE is also the title of a chat channel where you can join the weekly missioning event even if you are not in PVE corp. PVE also happens to stand for Player Versus Environment, the opposite of PVP (Player Versus Player).

You are called PVE, does that mean you don't PVP?:

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