Noob Help Questions

I've been hanging out in rookie help a lot recently and I'm constantly amazed at the constant rain of silly questions from people who don't seem to have taken ANY time to research the game for themselves. With apologies everyone who sees their question here, I'm sure you thought they were reasonable at the time but let these questions serve as a warning. THINK before you type, find a mentor to answer your questions (probably in a player corp with you, PVE, for instance) and if you need a lot of help for heaven's sake do the tutorials!

q > how i earn better ship an more isk

q > I might have just piloted myself into a star, what should I do?

q > my ship is out of control what do i do

q > how do I shot web?
a > press shot web button

q > i'll give it a go now. how do you keep up with someone once they gone to warp?

q > what use could i have for a frozen corpse?

q > unfiting the modules, how?

q > buy when i press buy it says some frking shit

q > Does this game have any PvP content?

q > whats the name of a station in this game?

q > does researching allow me to build it without a blueprint...?

q > does anyone know which LP store i should go to to get a navy megathron?

q > where else do i get missions besides kisogo?

q > hi everyone, im just spawned in game and a red cross tagged automated centii training vessel start to attack at me, what should i do?

q > how do i work

q > Can you sell ships?

q > what does pinning a window do?

q > After you buy an item do you have to go to that station to pick it up?

q > what are the things that expand ur cargo space

q > Is that possible to reload my turrets in space?


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Public Venture Enterprises FAQ:

Why Is The Site So Hard To Read?: PVE-Log is optimised for the Eve-Online Ingame Browser. Try Reading ingame; if you were given a link just click it instead of using copy-paste.

What is PVE?: Public Venture Enterprises was formed for players of Eve who want to mission with the help, support and friendship of other like-minded players. PVE is about co-operative play. PVE is also the title of a chat channel where you can join the weekly missioning event even if you are not in PVE corp. PVE also happens to stand for Player Versus Environment, the opposite of PVP (Player Versus Player).

You are called PVE, does that mean you don't PVP?:

We do not pirate but we will fight in defence of our members, and we occasionally hunt pirates.

Where can I find you?: We have many offices, join us ingame to be informed of your nearest office at Channels & Mailing lists -> Channels -> Join -> PVE -> OK

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